Tuesday, August 26, 2014


My heart is heavy.  My convictions are strong.  And for far too long I've been silent because I was afraid to offend someone.  And now I realize, that's the problem with our society.  We live in a place where we have taken the Bill of Rights and totally spit on them.  Sure, we theoretically have our freedom of speech.  But only as long as what you say doesn't offend someone.  This is especially true to those of us who are Christians - but that's another post for another day.

If your newsfeed is anything like mine, it's been blown up with the ALS ice bucket challenge.  You probably even did the challenge yourself.  Now, before I "dive in," let me be perfectly clear here.  I pass zero - ZERO - judgement on anyone who has done or will do the ice bucket challenge.  I'm all for raising awareness and helping to find a cure for this terrible disease and any other diseases out there.  

BUT, I cannot and will not support the ALS Association.  How could I be for finding a cure and raising awareness, but against an organization committed to finding a cure??  Well, the ALS Association is not the only organization out there trying to cure ALS.  But, I'm sure you already knew that. The reason I won't support the ALS Association is because they conduct embryonic stem cell research.  I know, I know.  Another hot topic.   But like I stated at the beginning of this post.  My convictions are strong.  I believe life begins at conception.  Therefore, using embryos (or, in my terms, babies) for research and then discarding them is, well, abortion. AKA: murder.

Did you know stem cells can be taken from bone marrow?  Or, the same research can be done using adult tissue samples??  Why, then, are we murdering unborn children "in the name of science?"

But let's take a step back.  ISIS.  Outside the major news networks; how many posts on your newsfeed have you seen about what's going on in Iraq?  None?  Maybe a few??  Not even close in count to the number of posts about dumping buckets of water on our heads.  I find that so shameful.

We cut one another down in this country when it comes to "human rights" issues.  Gay rights.  Race equality.  Gender equality.  All worthy causes, I agree.  But, when it comes to innocent men, women, and children being slaughtered; we look away.  In my book, you're either for human rights or you're not.  There's no gray area.  And what bigger, more urgent, and more obvious violation of human rights could there be???  So my question is simply: Where are all those "human rights" activists now??  

Where is the outrage? Where is the disgust?  Where is the "challenge" to raise awareness and do something???

Post something regarding gay rights and WHOA.  Be prepared for comment-central most likely leading to a war via posts.  Post something regarding ISIS and....crickets.  I even got a message that my post "struck a cord" and offended her.  GOOD.  At least I got you thinking.  Maybe it made you uncomfortable because I called you out.  

So, let's relate these two totally different issues.  Why does nobody seem to care about ISIS?  Well....when we've got our own genocide going on at home how can we expect anyone to care about human life in a seemingly far-away country?

We pay entertainers millions while our veterans are on the streets.  We have normalized sexual immorality, objectified women, and flushed the Holy Sacrament of marriage down the toilet.  We have welcomed the worship of pagan gods into our land and have insisted that people adjust to their traditions, beliefs, and practices rather than the other way around.

It is time we take a stand.  For something. For ANYTHING.  Country singer Aaron Tippin once sang, "You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything."  That us!  That's U.S.  We have fallen for anything and everything. We stand for  n o t h i n g.  We have willingly discarded our foundation.  And if we don't get our priorities straight and RISE UP, we're going to see our country crumble. It could be too late...

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